Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Contract with Southern Baptists - Part 4

I began this series back before the SBC convention in June as a "What would I preach to the SBC if invited?" series. I believe that our denomination is in great need of revitalization. This series of posts seeks to answer the question, "What would revitalization in our convention emphasize?" I understand that our denomination is composed of diverse churches and diverse members. To attempt to make broad characterizations is to often miss the target. Nevertheless, this is what I think needs to be emphasized.

Baptists Must Be . . .

Based in Humility - a necessary foundation - part one

Authorized by Scripture - a necessary standard - part two

Powered by the Holy Spirit - a necessary energy - part three

Transformed by Worship - a necessary voice - Deuteronomy 6:13; 1 Chronicles 16:28-29; Nehemiah 8:5-6; Psalm 95:1-7; John 4:21-24; Romans 12:1; Revelation 4:9-11.

We have fallen into grave error by making the act of worship something that is only done on Sunday mornings for our own benefit and enjoyment. Every post I write and every comment I leave is potentially worship. Worship is the way in which I speak, the way in which I live, and the impression that I give. Worship is for God's pleasure alone and it has little to do with our desires or preferences. We have perhaps at times made the error of looking with contempt upon another's sacrifice of worship and by so doing have judged ourselves (2 Samuel 6:12-23). It is not simply style or even location--it's a matter of the heart. It is Spirit and it is Truth. Worship is an expression of love and passion toward the God who saves us. It is delight in the Lord. The voice of worship is a 24/7 call to the nations to exalt the Lord. Worship is all that we do and all that we are.

This post has been graciously reprinted at SBC Impact and is linked here.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Stay in School, Kids!

The following is a true story...
My two sons and I were in Fort Collins this afternoon to make a purchase at the Guitar Center with some recently acquired sixteenth birthday funds. Following the successful purchase of a "Boss MD2 Mega Distortion Pedal", we headed over to the Bible Superstore to purchase a few CD's and possibly a book or two for me. I picked up "A City Upon a Hill" by Larry Witham which is subtitled, "How Sermons Changed the Course of American History." Compare that with my oldest (the sixteen year old) son's purchase, a compilation CD from "Facedown Records" entitled "Something Worth Fighting For". You would have to hear it to understand the contrast (note his purchase at the Guitar Center). My younger son (13) purchased the new one from Reliant K, "The Bird and the Bee Side." Following our shopping spree, we were parched and decided to make a quick stop at a nearby 7-11. We each selected a 64 ounce "Double Gulp" and filled our cups (more of an industrial sized drum to be honest) and headed for the cash register. Now, this is where you will want to pay close attention. My youngest son was to pay for his own and so leave him out of the mix for the moment. My oldest son was to pay for his and mine (part of the bribe necessary to get the trip to Fort Collins and the Guitar Center). Our two drinks totalled $3.39. My son handed the clerk (male, 20-something, tall, anglo) a ten dollar bill. The clerk started to process the transaction, drew a blank look, and then cursed--something like "darn". I asked, "no change?". He answered, "I accidently entered a five instead of a ten. Now I don't know how much change to give you." Before we go on...let's recognize that the cash register showed him the wrong amount of change to give me because of his error in entering "$5" instead of "$10". To be exact, it said $1.61. Now, back to the story... A few moments passed and the clerk shouted at his nearby fellow clerk, "You're pretty smart....what's $10.00 minus $3.39?" Of, course the answer was $$6.61--exactly five dollars more than the incorrect cash register display.
The moral of the story--stay in school, kids!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Independence Day History Lesson

Let me encourage you to invest ten minutes today in learning a little bit more about our nation's heritage. Enjoy...