Friday, July 31, 2015


"The purpose of my instruction is that all the Christians there would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and sincere faith." (1 Timothy 1:5)

Today we get an inside look at Paul's intent as the Holy Spirit inspired him to write to Timothy.  Paul says his purpose was to fill Christians with love.  His purpose is not to fill us with knowledge. It's not to fill us with pride. He isn't trying to fill us with religion.  No, Paul is writing in order that we might be filled to overflowing with love.

That said, Paul suggests three sources for the love that is to fill us.

#1--a Pure Heart. A pure heart is a heart that is clean--one that has been purified by fire.

#2--a Clear Conscience. A clear conscience is one that is good--one that discerns that slightest error.

#3--a Sincere Faith. A literal translation of "sincere faith" would be "undisguised conviction". 

Love comes as we allow our heart, soul, and mind to be brought into complete submission to the work of the Holy Spirit.  As we allow the love of God to transform us, we will in fact become the love of God.

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