Friday, December 14, 2012

A Word About the Connecticut School Shooting

"Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." --Jesus (John 16:33)

There are a great many things that happen on this planet and in this country that defy human explanation. We are living through yet another one. We are hardly past the theatre shooting in Aurora and once again we are asking, "Why?". Why would anyone go into an elementary school and kill twenty children and five teachers? Why would anyone do this? Why? Why? Why? In time, those who investigate such things will bring us an explanation--at least to give us some sense of what happened. The bigger "why" that I'm asking is, why do we seem to see an increase in violence against our young adults and our children. Let me share four thoughts that will likely prove less than satisfying to us in this moment of pain, and yet I believe each of them to be truth.

#1--Our world is filled with trouble, as Jesus said in John 6:33. There is a heaven (a place with no sin) but we're not there yet. Sinful people do sinful things and we are sinners living among a world filled with sinners. Each sin ripples across the lake of time effecting the world in sometimes catastrophic ways. Without providing excuses for him, we can make an assumption that today's shooter was likely (at least in his mind) paying back somebody or something for whatever has gone terribly wrong in his own world. Somehow this small school got in the way of this man's chaotic self-destruction.
#2--What we describe as mental illness, God's word often describes as demonic oppression or possession. Great evil can flow through men and women sometimes because they are being used as a tool by the forces of evil that move throughout our world. Revelation 9:11 says that one of the names for Satan is in Hebrew, Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon--meaning "the Destroyer".
#3--Our culture for years has been diminishing the value of human life through the acceptance of things like abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. We can't look the other way when life is cheapened without experiencing the consequences. Remember, sin ripples across the lake of time.
#4--Humans, all humans, are created in the image and likeness of God. The least scarred and least hardened by sin are the youngest among us--our children. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is composed of children and that entrance to the kingdom comes as we become childlike in our faith. Throughout history, Satan has waged war on the children (those who most resemble the image of God). Think of Pharaoh killing the infant Hebrews as well as Herod killing the small children of Bethlehem. Satan has always been seeking to destroy the children
As I said in the beginning, likely, none of this will be too comforting. With that in mind, let me end where I began, "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world" (JN 16:33). My response and our response to this tragedy should be to bring people to Jesus--the only one to ever overcome the world! Take heart--the evil that we see and experience everyday--is overcome through Jesus resurrection! He lives--we live--these children in Connecticut live!
As has been said, we will all hug our kids a little tighter tonight. When you do, remind them of the good news...because He lives, I can face tomorrow...


Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Message Audio!


It's finally available! Our messages each week at Grace River are being recorded and posted online. These podcasts are available at

Let me know what you think!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Official News!

I have a new hobby and a new job--well it's not a paying job--but it is work. One of my ministry friends mentioned to me last summer that he was an off-ice official for the Colorado Eagles--a minor league hockey team here in Northern Colorado.  As he was telling me about, I became giddy with excitement, and begged him to let me know if there were ever any openings.  Well, about a month ago, I get an email asking me if I would like to join the team.  Woohoo! Last night was first night and I love it already.  I'm keeping stats, specifically tracking "touches" and goals and assists.  I've got a great view of the game, some great perks, and an awesome group of people to work with.  I'm working for the league (not the Eagles) which means I can't cheer or otherwise support the Eagles.  That's not a problem when you're busy writing down numbers.  I'm sure that I'll have more to share as the season progresses.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Leadership Non-Negotiables...

#2--I will make final decisions based upon all of the information available. 

I will consult and gain insight from elders, experts, Scripture, and God Himself, maintaining a teachable spirit. I will resist the temptation to let others make decisions for me, which also allows them to own the responsibility for those decisions. The buck really will stop here!

"And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them" (Isaiah 42:16, ESV)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Leadership Non-Negotiables

#1--I must personally meet with my top leaders weekly.

I'm slowly learning that the relationships necessary for team cohesion and unity take time. These relationships do not maintain themselves and they do not stay strong for long without regular lunch or coffee. I must also remember that these leaders are busy themselves and will come up with a thousand reasons not to meet (just like I do). It is important enough that we meet regularly that it must merit a high priority in scheduling for all involved. These meetings are not in addition to my ministry--these meetings are my ministry.

"Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?" (Amos 3:3, NLT)

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

How's Your Faith?

We can quickly rate our faith with this brief test at the end of John 5. These 7 priorities determine how strong our faith really is. Take some time and think about each of the seven.

1--GLORY (v41) Who's glory (affirmation/approval) do you seek?

2--LOVE (v42) Who & How big do you love? (1 Cor. 13)

3--RECEIVE (v43) Who do you receive/accept? (Jesus? ...the least of these?)

4--BELIEVE (v44) Who/what do you believe (trust)?

5--HOPE (v45) Who/what do you hope in?

6--He WROTE (v46) Who do you read about? (Jesus? Bible?)

7--My WORDS (v47) Who do you hear/listen to? (Jesus?)

Faith grows from the bottom up: Get ready to Hear the voice of Jesus-->Read what the Bible says about Jesus-->You will begin to put your hope in Jesus-->Hope turns into trust-->Trust allows you to receive any and all that God sends-->Once you're receiving, your on your way to loving-->God affirms and approves loving sacrifice.

Monday, July 23, 2012

CHOICES: Who Do You Choose to Listen To?

#1--Listen to more than just your own thoughts (Jn 5:31-32)

#2--Listen to well-known truth-tellers (Jn 5:33-35)

#3--Listen to those whose actions back up their words (Jn 5:36)

#4--Listen to those who resemble our Dad in heaven (Jn 5:37-38)

#5--Listen to those who speak with a biblical accent (Jn 5:39-40).

Saturday, May 26, 2012

State Champions!

Resurrection Christian School - Colorado State 2A Champions - Baseball

Monday, April 02, 2012

RCS 2012

A couple of great shots of Zach's first at bat for Resurrection Christian School, in Loveland, Colorado.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New & Improved Website

Hey Friends!

I wanted to share our redesigned website with you all! Check it out!