Thursday, January 10, 2008


I am in the early stages of making application to the DMin program of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Golden Gate has a campus in Denver and I have the opportunity to join a group of my peers from here in Colorado as well as a few students from New Mexico in this quest for a Doctorate of Ministry. I have long wanted to begin work on a PhD but I have never had the motivation to get started. Some of my good friends will be joining me in this venture and so I guess that I am a victim of peer pressure. I'll be posting my journey as I move forward. One of the interesting questions on the application relates to the loss of family members to death and the impact it has had on my ministry. It was quite therapeutic to think through the question and to pen my answer. The degree is supposed to be "transformational" and I would concur that even the application has a transformational nature to it. The emphasis of the DMin will be Church Health which is certainly something in which I would like to gain expertise. You can get more information about the DMin at Golden Gate here. Additional students are being sought after. Please leave a message if you are interested in joining us. The program of study will being in January, 2009.


Taran said...


I think you've made an excellent choice. You certainly possess the brain power and the heart for ministry to accomplish this. With your family's support I have no doubt that you will be successful.

My major professor told me "Successful doctoral study is 10% intellect and 90% endurance."

Keep us updated on your progress.

Dave Samples said...


10% inellect? I just may have a chance...

I confused a few readers with my mention of Phd in the article. I have wanted to do Phd study but I am settling for DMin study.

I am very excited to get started...