Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Are You Going to Hell?

An interesting survey was recently conducted at Beliefnet to find out just what people thought about their eternal destiny. Of those surveyed, Just 55% of "born again" Christians believed that there was "no chance" that they would go to hell. The number are slightly worse for Roman Catholics with only 21% of them sharing the same convition. There are some humerous trends in the survy like the fact that liberals are more likely to believe that they are going to hell than conservatives. You can read a brief Newsweek article on the survey at

Now here is my problem: How is it possible that only 55% of Evangelical Christians are confident that they will not be going to hell? In other words, how can 45% of "born again" Christians not be sure of their eternal destiny? Have they never read, 1 John 5:13?, "I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may KNOW that you have eternal life." I'm in the 55%--what about you? If you are not sure....check this out:

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