Sunday, June 25, 2006

Spiritual Vitality

I am recovering "people-pleaser" who has spent much of his life in search of the affirmation of my peers. A giant scar was carved into my heart when I experienced sexual abuse by a neighbor when I was just a small boy. Off and on throughout my childhood I experienced various periods of being picked on and bullied. The result has been a hunger within my heart to be accepted and approved. Unfortunately, the church is not always the best place to find unconditional acceptance...especially as a pastor. The temptation to perform and to please those I serve is a constant temptation for me. Critical words shoot through me like a powerful weapon blowing away whatever confidence I may have gained. My journey with Christ has involved much healing and the journey continues...

I say these things so that you will understand how hard it is for my heart to really believe that I am VITAL to the kingdom of God. All that I am, the good and the bad, has come together to make me useful in Kingdom service. And you are vital as well! Your importance to the Kingdom is outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:14-26.

Every believer is a VITAL to Kingdom effectiveness. You are . . .

V-ariety (v14-20): Read the text and you'll discover that the church is not made up of only one member (gift) but rather a variety of members, each of them uniquely gifted. The text declares that we don't choose our giftedness or the body to which we belong, but rather God places the gifts into the body. The potential of the body is obviously diminished when gifts are not used. You are vital to the kingdom's effectiveness because of your unique God-given gifts and abilities.

I-nspired (v18): God has placed you into the body just the way that He desires. You are a gift from God to your church. God has equipped you to do what perhaps no one else could. God has intentionally placed you in the church that He wishes to serve the people that he has chosen.

T-eam (v21-22): One gift cannot effectively serve individually without the other gifts that God has grouped together in the church. The weaker (unseen) gifts are often the most needed. Some commentators believe that Paul is speaking of internal organs (essential yet unseen). Some of the most important people in terms of kingdom effectiveness are quietly serving God behind the scenes. The greatest pastors are perhaps those nameless men who are sacrificially serving God in obscure places.

A-dorable (v23-24): The word "adorable" means to be worthy of adoration or honor. You are vital to the kingdom because God is choosing to honor those members (gifts) that are lacking honor. The unseen members receive the greatest honor by God precisely because they are hidden and unseen. If you are serving without honor...congratulations! God will honor you!

L-ove (v25-26): You are vital to the kingdom because of your love. Your love eliminates division within the body and your love provides care for the body. Your love allows you to rejoice with those who rejoice and to suffer with those who suffer.

Yes, as believers in Christ, bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus, you and I are VITAL to the kingdom. People-pleasing will always be problem for me but it's less of a problem when I remember my identity in Christ.


Taran said...


Thank you so much for your openness. I know that God has and will continue to use your horrific experiences to further His kingdom. You are indeed vital to Him.

Dave Samples said...

Thanks, Brother. God has been very good to me and continues to heal my heart. I'm believe that I'm a better pastor and a better person because of the pain. "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness..."

Anonymous said...

It takes guts to risk being vulnerable as you have. I hope many gain encouragement and find their own courage (including myself) from the response you have shown to the prompting of the Holy Spirit upon you.

Be blessed, you are vital bro.


Dave Samples said...

Thanks, Ken. You are too!