Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm back at Camp Lejeune

I flew back to Camp Lejeune yesterday and resumed my training today. I've missed a few things that I will need to catch up on. We went out into the woods today to do "land navigation". I didn't have a clue what we were doing. We did successfully traverse the thick underbrush to find 1 of 2 checkpoints. The five chaplains were teamed together for this exercise. We will get another shot at it next week out in the field.

I don't remember if I've shared anything about the four other chaplains that are training with me. There is one other Southern Baptist, one affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, one independent Baptist, and a Roman Catholic Priest. We all are getting along very well as a team and I will miss these friendships when we go our separate ways at the end of training.


Taran said...

Glad to have oyu back! Thanks for keeping us updated.

Mike said...

Just remember the little arrow on the compass points north, not towards the coffee!

Dave Samples said...

Thanks, Taran. Glad to be back!

Mike, I've been looking West for the mountains with no success. I'll try the compass.