Thursday, August 20, 2009

Psalm 96

SING A NEW SONG TO THE LORD! God is the Creator and He has placed within each of us the God-like tendency to create. I believe that he loves for us to allow the prayers and passions of our heart to be expelled from our lungs as a melodic act of worship.

EACH DAY PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS THAT HE SAVES. Our great purpose on this planet is to share the goodnews that, "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (2 Corinthians 5:21). How many will we pass by today who are dying without the Hope that is Christ? God loves for us to share His salvation message.

PUBLISH HIS GLORIOUS DEEDS AMONG THE NATIONS. Our God is a great God and his deeds should be proclaimed among the nations. What has God done? Tell it! Declare it! Publish it! Brag on God!

BRING YOUR OFFERING AND COME TO WORSHIP HIM. I was looking for a gift for my wife yesterday. I know what she likes and I know what she doesn't like. With great thought and creativity I selected a gift full of meaning that will communicate my heart. May I give as much thought to the gifts that I bring my Father each day.

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