Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Colorado Honored for Church Planting

The Colorado Baptist General Convention has been honored by the North American Mission Board as one of fifteen conventions who have led the nation in church plants over the past six years. Colorado ranks 7th in the number of new church plants and ranks 2nd in the percentage of new church plants. You can read more about it here.

You will also want to take the time to watch the video at the CBGC website. We are beginning emphasis on our state mission offering and the video features one of the recipients of these funds. Around half of our churches in Colorado are small enough to have bivocational pastors. These men are heroes who do an amazing job in serving churches while holding down a full-time job somewhere else. The video features a church of less than 100 attenders with a bivocational pastor who have managed to put together a health clinic in their community. It's simply amazing! Watch the video at the CBGC website here. It's my honor to be able to serve on the Program Committee of our state convention's Executive Board which gives me some influence into where our state mission funds are distributed. I can honestly tell you that your offerings to the Nicy Murphy Offering in Colorado are very well spent.

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