Monday, August 21, 2006

The "S" in "Blessing" (part 1)

The "S" in "Blessing" is SALVATION! The believer who is properly using their spiritual gifts will be seeking to save as many as possible. In fact, spiritual reproduction will be a natural byproduct of the believer's everyday life. 1 Corinthians 14:20-25 contrasts the results that one would naturally get from the exercise of tongues and the excercise of prophecy within the worshipping body of the gathered church.

Paul begins with an strong admonition to be mature in thinking. "Brethren, do not be children in your thinking . . . be mature" (v20). The text literally says to be perfect (mature) in your understanding (thinking). The admonition is needed because the Corinthians saw their giftings as an indication of their spirituality. Those who had the more obvious and flamboyant gifts (tongues) were considered to be the most spiritual. We make the same mistake when we spiritually elevate teachers and pastors simply because of their giftedness. As we will see, gifts are not proof of spirituality--but rather the sign of true spirituality is the ability to reproduce new believers. To be mature in thinking means to think like Christ thought (Philippians 2:5-11). Jesus constantly spoke of the Kingdom of God as ever-expanding (reproducing). Just look at the kingdom parables for many examples.

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