Wednesday, September 02, 2009


“In those days Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes” (Judges 17:6).

The text implies that it is the “king” who is to give direction to the people. Right and wrong should be defined by the king. He decides what we should do. The absence of a king seems to release the people to do whatever seems right to them at the time. I’ve spent lots of years—both doing what is right in my own eyes—and also doing what is right in other people’s eyes. As a recovering “people-pleaser”, I can assure you that it is more than just a drive to do what is necessary to try to keep people happy—it is a raging addiction! God is not honored in my people-pleasing any more than He is honored in my self-pleasing. He is interested in "King-pleasing". The journey that I am currently beginning requires that I learn how to discern the many voices of those who would provide council in order to hear the singular voice of the King. Certainly, the King can and will speak through others I am learning that His voice is truly unmistakable.

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